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Andrew Gwynne

“A very little key will open a very heavy door.”

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Two years ago I read about an extraordinary event in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. At auction, a local man paid around £30 for a tray of bits-and-bobs. These included a small, faded portrait. About to throw it away, something told him not to. It turned out to be the famously lost painting of a young Charles Dickens, missing for over 130 years. 

You might think this is just one of those charming stories that pops up now and then. But it’s interesting to look a little deeper. The painting was done in London in 1843, the year Dickens wrote his most well-loved novel. It’s a portrait of a man younger and more energetic than the bearded gentleman we’re used to seeing. 

Every day Dickens’ eyes would take in the streets of London. Remarkable changes in recent years had made the city the richest and largest on the planet. Immigration saw the population soar, with living conditions for many beyond description. Rivers ran with filth, and medical care was basic and limited to the few. If you looked up from the street, the air was choked with sooty fog. 

The famous book he wrote this year is, of course, A Christmas Carol. It tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who cares for no-one. Scrooge is visited by the unhappy ghost of Jacob Marley (a former business partner), and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. The ghostly night softens him into a kinder, gentler man – not just at Christmas, but for the rest of his life. 

It’s a story that’s always been popular and never out of print. Readers are drawn to sympathetic characters like Tiny Tim, whose family can barely support his needs. Dickens shows us how the poor were treated in Victorian London, and how a selfish man can redeem himself through warmth and generosity. He reminds us to take more notice of the lives of those around us.

Part of his genius was to see that he’d reach more people with a deeply-felt story. For years he’d been a letter-writing machine, campaigning hard for children’s rights, education, and other social reforms. But a story can sometimes be more ‘true’ than any number of letters, essays and pamphlets. It would give him a wider audience. This included the illiterate poor, who paid to have episodes of his other novels read aloud. 

Dickens was appalled at how working-class people lived. Earlier in 1843, he saw first-hand the awful conditions for children in the Cornish tin mines. Closer to home, he spent time at one of the ‘Ragged schools’ set up to support the capital’s illiterate and half-starved street kids. He could see that  impoverished children were turning to crime, and that learning could provide a better life.

His anger stemmed from his own childhood, too. As a youngster, his father was sent to a debtors’ prison. So young Charles had been forced to leave school and work at a dirty and rat-infested factory. He understood what happens when society ignores the poor, especially children. The Poor Laws of the day fueled his rage, as the workhouse system delivered extra misery to those least able to cope.

Nearly two hundred years later, we have related challenges to grapple with. It’s clear that the current pandemic is driving both poverty and inequality, as did disease and pollution in Dickens’ lifetime. Like today, these had a bigger effect on those at the bottom of society – acting like a tax on the poor. Those with the fewest resources always suffer most from poor health and job insecurity.

Driven by his message, Dickens raced to get the book done in six weeks, just in time for Christmas. That included long night walks of up to 20 miles, “when all sober folks had gone to bed.” The good news is that it’s only a two-hour read. If you can dig out a copy, you’ll feel further echoes down the generations, because so many parts of a modern Christmas are linked to this period. 

Dickens was writing when the British were exploring old traditions like carols, and starting new ones – such as Christmas trees. The first commercial Christmas cards appeared in the week his book was published. A little later a confectioner, Tom Smith, invented a clever new way to sell sweets and called it the Christmas cracker. As the book became popular, it fuelled enthusiasm for Christmas and helped to spread the traditions we enjoy today.

Several phrases from the book are still going strong. “Merry Christmas” was used long before A Christmas Carol, but the book made it popular. It also introduced us to “Bah! Humbug!”, and of course everyone knows that a “Scrooge” is a miser. 

Something that often surprises people is that the first collection of carols was only published in the 1830s. Just as the singing of carols spread joy, it’s said that Dickens called his story A Christmas Carol because he expected it to bring people together. It certainly did – there was nothing better to bring out the spirit of Christmas, and there’s nothing better now. 

Dickens was a master of observing real life and reflecting it through stories. So although Ebenezer Scrooge was fictional, his traits of greed and ignorance were common among the privileged. Through him, Dickens showed that having empathy for problems like poverty was more noble than simply blaming the poor. 

Scrooge is the best example we have of someone who realises it’s never too late to change. Whether sudden or gradual, deciding to take action is key, with small changes chained together delivering significant achievements. That’s something we can apply to every challenge we have in our modern lives. In the words of Scrooge’s creator, “A very little key will open a very heavy door.” 

I re-read A Christmas Carol every year to remind myself how I can improve in the year ahead.  It’s a good way to honour Christmas, and aim for a generosity of spirit and understanding all year round – as Scrooge learned to do. 

There are many excellent film versions. If you don’t have the peace and quiet to read the book, why not watch one of my favourite three with family or friends over the holidays? I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Find out more:

Book: A Christmas Carol

Film: A Christmas Carol (1951)

Film: Scrooged (1988)

Film: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

Charles Dickens Museum, London

Website: Lost portrait turns up at auction

Meet the experts in an under-rated exercise

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Over the years, I’ve made some useful discoveries. One is that long walks help my mood, and give me a good base for my fitness. Another is that there’s a happy band of volunteers who make walking a more accessible exercise. They’re called The Long Distance Walking Association (LDWA). And if you live in England, Wales or southern Scotland, you can tap into their energy and enthusiasm.

Both discoveries are important, because walking could be our most under-rated exercise. Yes, runners get to strengthen their leg muscles with more force and more speed. But walking has a lower impact, so you can be out and about for longer. It’s a good choice for those looking to lose weight, or anyone with knee, ankle and back problems. 

The LDWA do a brilliant job of organising walking events, often on our doorsteps.  Its members share an interest in covering distances over 20 miles in their local countryside, moorland or mountains. The fittest test themselves with challenge events up to 100 miles, which also cater for runners. Others plan long routes over several days, or get together for day walks with one of dozens of groups across the country.

The support of a group means a lot, especially if you’re someone who’s uneasy about heading out alone. Some of my clients are unfamiliar with the countryside, or worry about navigating public footpaths and five-bar gates. Others are nervous about hazards, because they’ve heard tall tales about wayward cattle and farmyard dogs. With the LDWA social walks, everyone is together, with an experienced leader. So you don’t need to worry about getting lost or feeling unsafe.

Being in a group also brings a like-mindedness that many walkers enjoy. The shared goal gives a purpose to the day, but with no pressure. The rhythm of a walk sees you naturally fall in and out of conversation with interesting people at different times. Sometimes that companion will be you, as you find yourself alone with your thoughts. It’s here that we find some of the mental health benefits of long-distance walking.

During my education as a personal trainer, I’ve seen many studies showing that walking in nature is good for us. There’s something about it that helps our minds stop going over negative experiences. That cuts down negative emotions (like fear and anxiety), and the risks of depression. 

Perhaps walking makes us feel good thanks to an imprint from our evolutionary past. Or it may simply be that our brain is being gently distracted by clouds, trees, mud and the birds singing. That’s a lot less stressful than commuting or a beeping smartphone. 

This boost in mood comes with some extra benefits, too. As our legs cover the ground, our minds wander. We’re drawn into a more creative state. This is why we often associate walking with new ideas and problem-solving. There’s a nice-sounding Latin phrase for this. ‘Solvitur ambulando’ means ‘it is solved by walking around’. The travel writer Paul Theroux writes about this in his book, The Tao of Travel.

I first got in touch with the LDWA when preparing to run the Pennine Way. Their advice was invaluable, especially for the Northumberland Moors and the area around the Whin Sill Ridge (the home of Hadrian’s Wall). I’ve now completed a number of their tough endurance events as a runner, including the Goyt Valley Challenge, the Winter Tanners, and Roundhay – a 50-miler in Yorkshire. I’ve got some great memories of how well-run these were and the quality of organisation at the checkpoints. With endless tea and cake, these events really have a supportive ‘parkrun’ atmosphere. 

If the walking bug gets you too, you might want to expand your horizons and enter events like these. They may sound tough now. But the transition from walking for an hour to walking all day is within reach of most of my clients. As you build the habit and improve your physical and mental stamina, longer distances feel natural.

You’ll also start to learn about routes near you, and the glorious long-distance paths you can explore both here and overseas. LDWA members often have a deep knowledge of the countryside they’re very happy to share. Their challenge events are also suitable for advanced athletes, who may choose to race them. My Army colleagues have often been surprised to discover what the LDWA can offer their training programmes, including a unique database of route maps for walks on their website. 

For many members, their ambition is to complete the annual 100-mile event held on the last bank holiday of May. Entrants have 48 hrs to complete it. Sadly this year’s 100 in Monmouthshire, organised by the South Wales LDWA team, had to be postponed due to COVID. But it will be back next year. 

Membership of the LDWA is only £18 a year, £15 by direct debit and families £22.50. Their challenge events usually cost around £10. That’s exceptional value, especially when you compare them to city centre running events at £40+. At the time of writing, due to the national lockdown all group walks have been suspended due to coronavirus. Virtual events are still being held. Please check the LDWA website for the latest information.

Find out more:

Website: The Long Distance Walking Association

Book: The Tao of Travel by Paul Theroux

Healthy eating for children

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When I first started personal training, I focused on adults. Things are a bit different these days. It turned out that some clients wanted me to train their children, so I took an extra qualification in youth fitness. It’s good to help youngsters set up the habits that will last a lifetime.

I’ve noticed that my clients are worrying more about the next generation. We talk about the health and wellbeing of their children, grandchildren, or nephews and nieces. It’s a tricky challenge, as we all know that looking after our own needs is hard enough. How can we help our kids make the right choices?

In this blog, I look at the causes and consequences of poor family eating. I’ve also got some tips and advice on what we can all do about it. 

Many parents fear that their kids may become overweight or even obese, building up problems for the future. They can see that weight gain is affecting more and more youngsters every year. Last year, over 20% of year six children were classed as obese with a further 14% overweight. Both were up from previous years. Why is this dangerous trend going the wrong way? As parents and citizens, what can we do about it?

The main problem is that our environment is ‘obesogenic’. This is a fancy word, but simply means the world we’re in makes it easy to put weight on and hard to shift it. Our supermarkets are full of sugary, processed food, and pester power means that families buy too much of it. Our roads are busy so it feels unsafe for kids to walk or bike to school. At home, our smart TVs and games consoles tempt us to spend time on the sofa (and they interfere with a good night’s sleep).

As life has changed, many of us have forgotten the real-food recipes loved by our grandparents. Instead, fuelled by advertising and money-off promotions, we often plump for ready meals and convenience foods. According to BiteBack30, who lobby for healthier food for youngsters, junk food companies spend over £143 million on advertising each year. That’s almost 30 times the amount spent promoting healthy eating by recent governments.

Too many empty calories in and not enough going out – it’s a problem that gets worse over time. We know that overweight and obese children are much more likely to stay that way as adults. That gives them big health risks from things like heart disease, respiratory problems and type 2 diabetes. It also damages their mental health, driving low self-esteem and problems with body image. This is why it’s so important to get kids building the right habits at an early age.

Start good habits early

Your kids weren’t born with a craving for chips and ice-cream. This conditioning happens over time as kids discover more and more unhealthy choices. So it is possible to shape your children’s food cravings so that they look forward to healthier foods, too.

If you have a toddler in tow, get them used to eating the same as you. You’ll need to be careful with salt and spicy food. But in many cases you can blend or chop up a portion to suit their age (and freeze some for later). There’s no need to rely on expensive pre-made toddler food. 

If they make it, they’re more likely to eat it

As kids grow older, get them involved. One idea is BIY, or build it yourself. This means setting out a table with healthy ingredients and letting the kids do the rest. Think about how you could come up with a salad bar or fajitas, plus different fruits with yoghurt for dessert.

Another step is to get your children to plan – and help you make – a meal every week. That may sound ambitious, but even pre-schoolers will enjoy mashing potatoes. And while you’re thinking about food, get them talking about it too. Because even if you’re not worried about your kids’ weight, you’re still worried about them eating well. That means teaching them about nutrition, and the differences between real and junk food. 

If you’re not yet confident in the kitchen, there are some shortcuts you might find useful. For example, companies like Hello Fresh and Gousto offer healthy recipe boxes. They’re not cheap but they could be just what you need. You simply follow the steps to start building up your skills and understanding. Watch the joy of a child learning to cook and tell me they’re not interested in food! There are also TV shows like Eat Well for Less which show you how to eat well and save money, with just a few food swaps.

Make your voice heard

There are some signs that the message is getting through. Two years ago, the government announced a tax on sugary soft drinks. This summer they announced a ban on junk food advertising on TV and online before 9pm. But if you think they should be going further, you could write to your MP and ask them to do more for the health of our young people. In particular, it’s important that they save our standards and protect child health in any future trade deals.

There are also several campaigning groups you could support, like Biteback 2030. Their ambition is to help young people learn how our food system is designed – and could be improved to put children’s health first. Their Youth Board is a team of passionate teenage activists from across the UK.

Finally, there is the question of what we can all do to tackle food poverty. Sadly it’s becoming more common, with 14% of UK families with children experiencing food insecurity in the past six months. Even when children have enough food to feel full, food poverty results in a poor diet, and poor health. Those hungry at school don’t learn well, harming their prospects in later life. We’ll cover this issue properly in a future blog. 


While I’m writing this, we are still dealing with the coronavirus. It hit the UK at a time when one in five children are starting primary school overweight or obese. Perhaps this will convince our politicians to tackle the obesity crisis, and start with young people. That means moving attention away from junk food and onto healthier options instead. After all, shouldn’t every child know why apples are better than fizzy drinks?

Find out more:

Website – Biteback2030

Website – Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Website – The Food Foundation

BBC TV – Eat well for less

Jamie Oliver – The best equipment for cooking with kids 

A little lesson about electrolytes

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Sometimes we learn things the hard way. Among my collection of mistakes, one story from six years ago stands out. As a runner, I’d read a bit about ‘electrolytes’ before. But a warm September day on a footpath near Hadrian’s Wall taught me the rest.

The story begins in 2014, when I’d set myself a meaty challenge. With no support, I was planning to run the whole of the Pennine Way, from Edale (near Sheffield) to Kirk Yetholm in Scotland. It would take around eight days to do the 270 miles, climbing around 14,000m on the way. Deep down, I knew how much it would test me both physically and emotionally.

By staying overnight in farmhouses and B&Bs, I was able to keep my kit to a manageable 12kg. I could also get a good night’s sleep, a healthy meal, and a rare pint to keep up the spirits. I knew that these recovery stops were essential, and all went well for the first few days.

But then day six arrived and was the toughest of the lot. As it went on, I struggled to focus. It was hot and I expected to be tired, but something else was wrong. I was flagging, and at times felt barely conscious. With a final effort over the rough country, I made it to my bed for the night. The B&B owner took one look and helped revive me with a cuppa. It was just in time.

So what had happened?

I’m used to endurance events, so I take good care to take on enough calories and fluids. But this time the water I’d been drinking wasn’t making a difference. During my 24-mile run that day, I’d overlooked a magic ingredient – electrolytes. 

What do we mean by ‘electrolytes’?

Electrolytes are minerals found in our blood, urine, and body tissues. They have an electric charge, and do essential jobs for us such as:

  • Making sure that our nerves, muscles, and heart work properly
  • Moving water and nutrients into our cells, and removing waste
  • Balancing our body’s pH level

You’ll have heard of some electrolytes – like potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sodium, chloride and calcium. We get them by eating a varied diet. For example, bananas are famous for being a source of potassium. But we lose electrolytes by sweating (or, if we’re unwell, through vomiting and diarrhoea). 

On that long, hot day, my sweating had caused an imbalance. The distance and the heat meant I was losing more electrolytes than I was taking on. This imbalance can get serious very quickly, because our bodies maintain the right level of electrolytes within a very tight range. If levels get too high or too low, we see dehydration, cramp, fatigue, nausea, and heart problems. Left unmanaged, the imbalance can cause a coma or worse. Instead, I had an unpleasant experience and was lucky that safety was nearby. 

Most of the time, we can keep this balance right with healthy meals and the odd snack. Just take a look at the list below for a guide. But illness or heavy exercise can use up your electrolytes, as it did for me. You may want to add tablets or a pre-mixed electrolyte drink to your routine. For tough endurance events, I’ve settled on supplements from an American company called Nuun.

After eight days on the Pennine Way I’d finished my challenge, picking up a motley collection of sore muscles and blisters. I was pleased, but I’d also learnt an important lesson. In those conditions, drinking plain water just wasn’t enough. I’d had a lucky escape. Let’s hope this blog means that my clients, friends and colleagues can learn from my mistakes.

Electrolyte drink tablets from Nuun

A quick layman’s guide to electrolytes  

Name: Potassium

What it does: Controls the balance of fluids, makes cardiac muscle work properly

Comes from: Bananas, vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts, parsnips), beans and pulses, nuts and seeds, fish, beef, chicken, turkey

Name: Magnesium

What it does: Helps convert food into energy, supports bone health

Comes from: Spinach, nuts, wholemeal bread

Name: Phosphate

What it does: Helps build strong bones and teeth, helps convert food into energy

Comes from: Red meat, dairy, fish, poultry, bread, brown rice, oats

Name: Sodium 

What it does: Body fluid balance; 

Comes from: Salt – commonly found in breakfast cereals, cheese, some bread, savoury snacks. The one electrolyte that is overly abundant and care must be taken in daily diets as the limit is 6g per day for adults. 

Name:  Chloride 

What it does:  Helps you digest food 

Comes from: Tomatoes, leafy vegetables, olives and rye

Name: Calcium

What it does: Helps build strong bones and teeth, regulates muscle movement and blood clotting

Comes from: Dairy foods, green leafy vegetables (curly kale, okra, spinach), bread, fish where you eat the bones (such as sardines and pilchards)

An old-school training tool – all the way from Russia

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With so many training systems, opinions, and choice of kit, the fitness world can be overwhelming. Deciding where to start is tricky, especially when you’re a newbie. Luckily we have a principle we can bring into play – and some old-school equipment that never dates.

The principle is ‘functional movement’. It’s the best place to start developing your physical health and fitness. This is because modern life has engineered-out physical activity, and we need to put it back. Very often this has meant using equipment which focuses on training muscles in isolation. But working only one part of your body is a very limiting way to train.

Instead, you’ll get better results by using different muscle groups together. And you don’t need the latest exercise fad to do it. We all have access to very simple training tools that can help us regain control of our bodies (and ultimately our lives). I’m thinking of resistance bands, sliding discs, medicine balls and bodyweight exercises, but also an old-time favourite – kettlebells. 

As a way to get more functional movement, kettlebells are just the job. Many trainers associate them with Russia, where they’re called girya and have been widely used for centuries. But they’re even older, and their roots can be traced back to ancient Greece. They’re an iconic piece of equipment, instantly recognised by the cannonball shape (the bell) with the curved iron handle attached. 

You might be surprised to learn that kettlebells have a humble history. They were used on Russian farms to weigh agricultural crops and goods. Their popularity spread as a training tool, using the standard weight of ‘one pood’ – 35 lbs or a touch under 16 kgs. Knowledge spread slowly but eventually the US got the bug. About twenty years ago, kettlebells went mainstream after an article published in Rolling Stone magazine.

The design of the bell with its horn-shaped handles allows for swinging movements, with the centre of gravity extended beyond the grip. Basic movements such as the deadlift, swing, clean-and-press will train your body to become hard and lean. Beyond these basics there are countless variations around the body, including a figure-of-eight, and a side swing I like to use in my sessions. 

All of these are perfect for getting better at throwing, sprinting, jumping, boxing, or just feeling stronger in everyday life. Clients also notice the impact on their core strength, co-ordination and balance – a nice bonus.

Kettlebells are especially useful as they allow movement through all three planes. We call this tri-planar movement – forward and back, side-to-side, and twisting/turning. It’s important because it activates the muscles of the rear of the body – hamstrings, spine and bum (glutes). These are known as the posterior kinetic chain, crucial for developing power for lifting and forward movement. These muscles are often overlooked in improving posture and aligning the spine. 

I’ve always believed in first principles and the four-letter acronym KISS. Keep it short and simple. Kettlebells fit right in there. If you’re looking for cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and a leaner body, look no further. Whatever its humble history, the kettlebell will never need re-inventing. 

Let’s go