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Andrew Gwynne

Finding power in the team

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One military experience I vividly remember took place during a particularly arduous winter field training exercise. Before planning began and orders were issued, the section commander drew the team around him. He asked, “Has anyone done this before?”

In turn, that question reminded me of a book called The One Minute Manager. It’s sold more than 15 million copies. It’s been translated into many languages. I was always struck by a quote from the author: “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

The section commander’s question and the author’s quote have always made sense to me.  So I try to apply the principles behind them every day. They’ve worked for building teams in my working life, and in my military career. They’re the core of my new project, Los Leones. 

I thought I’d find out more about why this focus on teamwork is both simple and profound. Clearly, if you have a problem, more brains can mean more answers. At the same time, that can mean extra complexity. This might make decisions harder. Why is the team approach often best?

I think most of us would describe being in a healthy team as special. It’s deep-rooted. A team switches on the bits of your brain that are made for social bonding. That’s a clue that humans have always relied on working together for survival and success.

Here are a few things I’ve discovered about teamwork. I hope they inspire you to find, support, or grow a team that helps you reach your goals:

Bonding with others

When you form connections with others, your body releases oxytocin. This is often called the ‘bonding hormone’ because it promotes trust and empathy. Without those, you won’t get far if you’re looking for teamwork and collaboration.

Oxytocin also reduces your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. So it makes relaxation easier. It’s good for keeping anxiety at bay, helping to fight off symptoms of stress, loneliness and depression.

Solving problems and creativity

Being in a team stimulates your prefrontal cortex. That’s the ‘modern’ part of our brain that allows us to show self-control and think about the future. No surprise that it doesn’t fully develop until our 20s. 

The prefrontal cortex is central to human intelligence, adaptability, and emotional well-being. That’s because of its role and connections to other parts of the brain. Being exposed to the views of other team members strengthens all these links. It’s especially useful in lateral thinking. 

One of my favourite examples of intelligent teamwork comes from Finland. The country shares a border with an unfriendly neighbour, so all its citizens have to be prepared for defence. One issue is dealing with disinformation and propaganda. So schools teach critical thinking by getting pupils to work together on this. It’s a core subject in their national curriculum. As a result, Finland was recently rated the European nation that’s most resistant to fake news – for the fifth time in a row. 

Warding off loneliness with your ‘social brain’

Teamwork is something that all our communities could enjoy a little more of. The World Health Organisation tells us that 25% of older people experience social isolation and up to 15% of teenagers get lonely. That has a serious impact on physical and mental health, quality of life, and longevity. It’s comparable to risk factors like smoking, obesity, and inactivity.

Having teammates means your mirror neurons kick in. These are a special type of brain cell that fire both when you perform an action and when you see someone else do the same. They allow you to ‘feel’ what others are feeling. In that way, they play a big role in understanding the actions and emotions of others. 

In turn, the empathy that follows is needed for developing maturity and character. This is why I encourage young people to find ‘their’ tribe early in life – whether it’s the Scouts, cadets, or a local sports team. My rule would be to focus on participation first, then performance second. Build the habit. The role model here is parkrun – I wrote a blog about this wonderful initiative two years ago. 

Use your team to help with goal-setting

I said that performance comes second. But when that teamwork leads to success, our brains release the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter called dopamine. This reinforces positive behavior, encouraging you to keep contributing to the group. It becomes a virtuous cycle and increases the chances of you reaching both your personal and team goals. To learn more about goals and the SMART approach to setting them, you can read my blog.

Improve your self-esteem

Over time, being in a team reshapes you. You’ll start to feel more aligned with the values you all build and share. This group identity can help you feel better about yourself and strengthen your self-worth. Group identity will help you feel connected and part of a larger collective – whether it’s the national identity built by the Finns, or simply the parkrun organised by friends and neighbours.

Finding my team

When I left the military I knew I’d miss the teamwork and camaraderie. So my latest project is bringing together a new team for new challenges. We’ve christened ourselves ‘Los Leones’ – the lions. ‘Los Leones’ are mainly ex-military folk but also serving military and civilians. We’re raising funds for various charities and have recently added some information on my website – take a look here.

In the future, I’m hoping that Los Leones can become bigger and reach more people. It’s early days but in years to come we may be able to support other teams and individuals reach their goals in all sorts of ways. Keep in touch and watch this space. To contact me directly with your thoughts and ideas, please email me at

A new beginning

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Many English proverbs are so old it’s hard to know who coined them. One from Geoffrey Chaucer (we think) is very apt in 2024 – “All good things must come to an end.” 

This summer I’ll be leaving the Army Reserves, after serving for thirty years. In that time, I passed both the Reserve Forces Commando and Army PTI courses. I also served on two overseas deployments, first in Iraq in 2003 and then Afghanistan in 2008.  I won’t miss the gruesome hikes over Dartmoor and the sleepless nights on field exercises. I won’t miss trekking across London to HQ every week. But I will miss the camaraderie and the opportunity to lead, coach and train our young soldiers.

A new project

Our famous medieval writer only told us half the story, however. He could have added that every end also creates a beginning. For me, that beginning is a project that will bring together a new team for new challenges. We’ve christened ourselves ‘Los Leones’ – the lions.

‘Los Leones’ are mainly ex-military folk but also serving military and civilians. That combination is important, because we’re looking to build a culture where both military and civilian skill-sets can work together. 

In the short-term, we’ll focus on a handful of endurance events, to raise funds for military charities. You may have already read about some of these on my website or Instagram posts:

That will keep ‘Los Leones’ busy with training and prep in 2024. Looking further ahead, I’ll be finding more inspiring projects. That means tough challenges that require courage, strength and determination. They may be team events, or training support for individuals who raise money for a military charity. 

The army taught me what can be achieved by working together for a common goal. Over the years I developed not only physical and mental resilience but saw the priceless qualities of patience, humility, empathy, respect and courage, often in challenging conditions.

With the stresses of modern life, it’s understandable that people feel alone and overwhelmed. Self-induced pressure can add to this sense of isolation. But there is a way to change this and you can make a difference. The tradition of public service and volunteering is long established in this country. When communities come together, good things happen.

Whole communities can be heroic, too. Think of the little ships of Dunkirk, rescuing thousands of soldiers from the beaches of northern France in 1940. Or the countless examples of neighbourliness during our own coronavirus crisis. Together we achieve more.

What you can do
Please email me at if you’d like to help support ‘Los Leones’ and our fundraising efforts. You may be interested in taking part in one of our endurance events. Or perhaps joining the behind-the-scenes team with travel, planning and logistics. We’re not necessarily looking for military experience, but we are looking for fellow lions!

How to change your mind – my Spanish adventure

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Modern life is relentless, isn’t it? Rain or shine, I’m out and about as a freelance fitness trainer and running coach. My army reservist role means a frequent trek across town to the base in North London. And weekends often find me testing my energy and military skills in some distant places. You might think there’s little room for anything else. 

But three years ago I found time to start a new journey. Looking back, it’s changed my life – and my mind. Perhaps the story will inspire you to try something similar.

My journey pulled me into learning the beautiful language of Spanish. As the second most popular language in the world by native speakers, it’s a good choice for a novice. With 485m speakers, even a language-shy Brit like me can find someone to practise with. I’ve always been interested in personal development, but what possessed me to give it a go?

At the time, my father was living in Havana, the capital of Cuba. I’d also made a number of trips to Argentina, and was drawn to the local people and their culture. Something told me I was missing out by not knowing their language, their songs, their literature.

Step by step I walked into a world I’d never seen coming. It’s literally changed my mind, as all the research into language-learning shows us. I’m more confident, a better listener, a better communicator. Given that most of my work is 1:1, that’s priceless. I think my memory is also sharper, as my brain has to work hard to recall new, unfamiliar words. 

During the pandemic I was able to study with a teacher I’d met in Buenos Aires, Maria Trubba. Maria is a former international tango dancer and teacher. Luckily for her sanity we’ve focused on Spanish, with two lessons a week for the last three years. (How on earth did we manage in a world before Zoom?) My interest in fitness led me to a fellow porteño, Gustavo Barrios. A boxing trainer, Gustavo is one of the best in Argentina. Each week we meet online to practise both my Spanish and my footwork.

Studying and practising is hard. I’ve learned not to dwell on small mistakes, and to enjoy the process. Being relaxed is important, as is not taking it too seriously. All languages have banana skins you’ll slip on, so you have to get comfortable laughing at yourself. As all my clients and colleagues know, consistency always pays off. My training and military background have helped me stay disciplined. 

During my last trip to Buenos Aires I hosted a 75-minute fitness training workshop with a martial arts instructor. With a little help, I covered most of the session in Spanish. It was a memorable, uplifting experience. Not bad for someone who couldn’t speak a word of the language five years ago.

Enjoying the benefits

I use Spanish every day now. I have many friends here in London and overseas who are Spanish speakers, so I take every opportunity to speak, listen, read and write. I’ve learned that my journey hasn’t just been about knowing how to speak in another tongue. Like the physical workouts for my body, I’m challenging my brain to make it stronger, smarter, and more flexible. The research on languages tells us that:

  • I’m creating and strengthening neural pathways. This is called neuroplasticity, where the brain changes based on new experiences.
  • I’m boosting my memory with new grammar, words, and getting them in the right order (eventually)
  • I’m solving puzzles – it’s tough to understand what others are saying, then figuring out a sensible reply
  • I’m getting better at handling different tasks at once, plate-juggling English and Spanish without mixing them up

Sometimes it’s nice to check progress. So last year I jumped in and took my first language exams in nearly 40 years, at London’s Instituto Cervantes. I feared the oral exam, which lasted for 20 minutes with two examiners. It was intense but I passed and am now at the intermediate level. Next step is the ‘B2 Dele’ level. Passing it would mean my Spanish is ‘proficient’. 

It’s going to be a long time before anyone mistakes me for a local in downtown Buenos Aires. But I’m here for the journey.

Find out more:

Not everyone is lucky enough to find such great teachers as Maria and Gustavo. But if you’re interested in learning a language, here are some tools and ideas to get started:

  • Enjoy podcasts like this one from Duolingo
  • Search for a personal language tutor using Preply
  • Try language-learning apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel. These use games to make learning less formal and more fun. 
  • Use TV platforms like Netflix to watch foreign-language movies or shows with subtitles.
  • Go to websites like FluentU, which use real-world videos such as movie trailers and inspiring talks 
  • Be brave and find a language exchange Meetup where you can practise 

How learning a new language changes your brain

The smart idea that went global.

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Let’s imagine you’re in charge of a body like Sport England. You have tens of millions of pounds from the lottery each year. It’s your job to spend this on grassroots sport, so that more people benefit from physical activity. What would you do with the money? Are you sure it would work?

It’s a hard question. And it reminds me that successful ventures aren’t always top-down and big-budget, run from the centre. Sometimes the best enterprises are run by enthusiasts who are driven to get things done. 

This blog is about one of those – parkrun. In particular, I’ve always been interested to see how parkrun releases something extra from everyone involved. Staff, spectators and volunteers all seem to happily put in more time and energy than they’re asked to. Some experts call this ‘discretionary effort’, and it’s worth unlocking whenever you can.

I thought I’d look at how ‘discretionary effort’ comes about. It’s useful to know this if you’ve ever led a team, run an event, or just want to get people to participate in something you’re passionate about. We’ll look at the way parkrun works to make this happen, as its features can be applied to many other times and situations.

People like working together when there are clear benefits and a simple goal. 

I don’t think parkrun would have worked if its plan was to get volunteers out of bed on a wet Saturday morning to build their community. Instead, they set out to build something simple to help people run 5k. That proved to be clear and appealing to enough people across the UK to make it work. The togetherness, neighbourhood-building and mental health benefits all follow from people being passionate about running, jogging and walking.

Consistency is important. 

Despite being run by volunteers and taking place in hundreds of different places, every parkrun worldwide feels the same. It doesn’t matter where you are or which week you turn up. This helps people find a routine around the event that works for them. It includes simple things like when to get up, how you get there and who to meet afterwards. 

When something becomes typical within a routine, it’s never as tough as we first thought. Even that first daunting 5k. So parkrun drives repeat activity quickly as it’s something that doesn’t need lots of decisions. It appeals to our personal autopilots.

Make the barriers to entry really low. 

The parkrun message is “come and join us at 9am.” All you have to do beforehand is register on their website. It’s free, so you don’t need to set up a direct debit. You don’t need to run with coins or a card. Your running gear doesn’t matter, as hardly anyone has the latest trainers. It’s just not the vibe.

All this reduces friction and makes it more likely that people turn up and get involved. If people want to run, they can just run. Some have milestone T-shirts for doing 10, 50, or more runs. But this doesn’t depend on whether they have volunteered or not. There’s no sense of pressure or obligation to do more if they don’t want to. This has helped keep parkrun welcoming.

Spread leadership among those around you.

Each parkrun relies on a volunteer team to make it happen. Bushy Park in London is the biggest UK parkrun and often welcomes over a thousand runners – that needs over fifty volunteers. They range from those marshalling the course to timekeepers and ‘tail-runners’ (no-one finishes last at parkrun). All of these are a vital part of the whole, and they spread out the responsibilities. In this way, parkrun is actively building leadership, encouraging people to get involved and own their local event. 

This approach doesn’t need a leadership team for each run location. The roles are clear, so volunteers can learn quickly and jump in and out of different things. There’s always someone to help, and no real hierarchy. 

Design the principles and stick to them.

Given the success of parkrun, it’s easy to take it for granted. To think that it was just waiting to happen, or that anyone could have done it. But that’s not true. This is something which has become a massive public health success, but began with one starter event that snowballed. Governments could learn.

The parkrun team agreed on some core principles and made clear decisions about how their organisation would work. They stuck to their guns on never charging people to take part – even when a local council made that difficult. Keeping parkrun free means they always feel open and available to everyone, in every community.

The last words 

If you want to increase engagement and unlock the discretionary effort in your team, parkrun provides valuable insights. Whatever your project or initiative, I’m sure there’s something we can learn from how they do things. Remember too that the most successful public health initiative in the last twenty years started with a group of friends running around their local park. It’s enough to make you wonder if anything is possible.

About parkrun

Back in 2004, an accomplished runner called Paul Sinton-Hewitt organised a run in London’s Bushy Park. He was injured and had recently lost his job. As much as anything, he wanted an opportunity to meet up and chat. Thirteen runners turned up, mostly friends. It was the first ever parkrun.

Paul’s idea was to support participation, so parkrun has never been a race. In fact, average finish times have become slower over the years as a wider cross-section of people have joined in. It now has a home in thousands of locations in dozens of countries, attracting walkers and runners from the age of four upwards. It remains entirely free, staffed by dedicated, selfless volunteers. For many thousands of people, it’s become a keystone habit in looking after their physical and mental health.

Learning from the siege-breaker

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Working as a personal trainer, one of the first things I learnt was the importance of communication and empathy. When a decision to change has already been made, conversations with clients are straightforward. Next steps can flow quickly, as we uncover motivations and agree goals. If we can set a goal, then we can make an effective plan.

But sometimes you’re in a situation where views clash. How do we start the conversation then, and work together? 

As COVID struck last year I was fortunate to find inspiration in the work of Chris Voss, a former lead hostage negotiator and siege-breaker for the FBI. He now teaches people and organisations how to avoid conflict and reach better agreements. 

Developing some new rules

Chris writes about how the early 1970s saw a number of kidnappings end with tragic consequences. One in particular, the Downs Airline hijacking, led to a US law that changed the landscape for negotiators forever. Old-school use of force went out the window, and the FBI started to develop the techniques we see today. 

The new style hinged on the principle that siege-like hijackings are more about emotions than rational bargaining. It’s often fruitless to ‘play hardball’ or use ‘good cop, bad cop.’ Instead, rapport must be built – the FBI called it ‘trust-based influence’.

The wrong way to manage conflict

Many of us have an upside-down view of negotiation. From Hollywood films and TV shows, we’re fed the idea that it’s all about strength and sticking to your guns. In this way of thinking, being flexible or agreeing to an adversary’s wishes is seen as weakness. But reaching a lasting agreement or managing conflict actually needs plenty of sensitivity. It relies on understanding someone else’s motives and emotions.

Tactical empathy

The best negotiators rely on emotional intelligence to win deals and improve relationships. This is one of the key things that experts like Chris Voss teach us. He invented the phrase ‘tactical empathy’ to describe how to work with your counterpart’s emotions. Building it into your negotiating style will help you get better results, whether it’s in a business deal or a family debate about how to eat more healthily.

You can also think of tactical empathy as taking a stock-check from the person you’re talking to. What do they like or dislike about an idea, and why? Is that everything? Understand this and play it back to them, calmly. You can understand their points without necessarily agreeing with them.

After all, we all hold different views of any situation we are trying to address, and often have different information. Think of the situation as the adversary, not your counterpart. Instead, you’ll work together with them to find a shared solution.

Using tactical empathy in your negotiations

There are many things in the ‘tactical empathy’ toolbox. All of them will build good faith and give the other person a sense of control. The goal is to identify what they actually need and get them feeling safe enough to talk, talk and talk some more.

Here are five that can be used in everyday communication:

Focus only on the other person and what they have to say. Good listening is not a passive activity, and needs concentration. When you have a response, ask a simple question to confirm and then wait. Use active listening followed by dynamic silence – it builds rapport, too. It isn’t only the voice we should think about. Be sure to follow gestures, the use of hands, body and facial expression. They’re there to overcome barriers, like impaired hearing and lack of a common language. In these situations, if you are not observing and paying very close attention then their message will be lost.

Start out with a mindset of discovery. At the beginning, your goal is to find out as much information as possible. Assume you know very little. Chris Voss says that really smart people are sometimes poor negotiators because they don’t think they have anything to learn.

Label emotions – don’t suppress them. When you spot someone’s feelings, find the word and respectfully repeat it back to them. “It sounds like this has made you feel frustrated…”. This is called labeling, and it’s a great way to improve your listening. There is no way to cut people’s feelings out of the process, so it’s foolish to try. 

Use calibrated questions. These begin with ‘How?’ or ‘What?’ and they are valuable for two reasons. First, they avoid the yes/no answers that give you little extra information. Second, they force your counterpart to help think about your problems in a co-operative way. For example, “What else would you be able to offer to make that work for me?”

Stay humble. Remember that we all hold different views of the same problem. And we often have different information, too. If at least one of you has the humility to know this, you’ll likely have a good outcome. Great negotiation is about great collaboration and creating influence based on trust.

Tactical empathy works for an age-old reason. We are complicated creatures, and at root always an animal. Whatever our age, background, education or outlook, we first act from our fears, needs, and desires. This is our limbic system kicking in, the part of the brain involved in our  behavioural and emotional responses. 

Plugging into this system has always worked better than appeals to our reason, and probably always will. So try to magnify those positive emotions. After all, people are smarter when they’re in a positive frame of mind – and so are you.

Learn more

Video: Never Split The Difference

Book: Never Split the Difference